BishopChipp's Blog

Speaking An Encouraging Word


As I sit here in my den pondering the future and the things that are presently going on in the world, I am reminded of the importance and power of hope! To live a life without hope is to live a life of sadness. A short and simple definition of hope is “expectation of future good!” Many in the world today are hopeless; they have no expectation of future good! This is seen in many of the movies that are coming out of Hollywood with much doom and gloom! Not only are they godless, they are hopeless! Of course, without a Christ-centered world-view, God inspired hope will definitely be lacking in our movies.

Hope is more than just “desire.” Hope is desire coupled with expectation. Many desire future good but don’t really have an expectation that their desire will actually come to past. Hebrews 11:1 tells us “Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hope is vital to our faith. Hope is that aspect of our faith that enables us to operate in the present with joy! Even though your situation or circumstance is sad, hard or discouraging you can still have joy because of your faith and hope in God! Faith allows us to live our lives in the present with joy because of our hope (confident expectation of future good) in God.

Abraham is a man who understood and walked in the power of faith and hope. The Bible says Abraham “hoped against hope!” In other words, even though there was no natural reason to hope, he hoped anyway! Even though his present circumstance was hard and difficult in relation to his desires, he hoped anyway! Even though things looked hopeless, he hoped anyway! Where did Abraham get such hope? How did Abraham manage to operate in such supernatural hope? Simply put, he believed the promises of God! Listen, like Abraham we as believers should be a people of hope! We should be a people of hope because we are a people of promise! That’s right, as Christians we are a people of promise. God has given us exceeding and great promises (in the Bible)! It’s important to recognize that a promise is a reason to expect something!

Glory to God! When you know and believe the promises of God, you are a person of hope. No matter what you are experiencing or going through right now, you still have expectation of future good! Things may be hard or difficult but you have a confident expectation of future good; you expect things to change. As believers our hope is in God! His character and His power guarantees the fulfilment of His promise! He is not a man that He should lie. Listen, no matter how long you have been dealing with lack, sickness and disease, hardship or others conditions of life, just go to the word of God(the Bible) and find God’s promise concerning your situation. Hope will spring alive! Faith will take you through! There is an old saying, “where there is smoke, there is fire!” I’m here to tell you where there is hope (bible hope) there is faith!

Hope releases a force that enables us to move forward in life! People without hope are stuck in the past. They are stuck in a rut! They cannot see beyond their present hurt, pain and disappointments. Some people will tell you not to get your hopes up, just in case things don’t work out. But I want to encourage you to get your hopes up! Without hope there can be no faith! For faith is the substance of things hoped for… The word of God (1 Peter 1:13) tells us to hope to the end! Hope is a confident expectation that enables us to see future good for tomorrow and operate in faith and joy today! People of hope refuse to be sad, discouraged, depressed or defeated! People of hope don’t quit because of hardship! Hope keeps us moving forward in life, in God and the things of God! So listen child of God, it’s time to grab hold to a bushel of hope and faith and get going with God and in the things of God again!

September 6, 2011 Posted by | Hope | , , , , | 4 Comments


To state the obvious, “there is a lot going on in the world today!” So much activity, confusion and hardships in every arena. I have been somewhat quiet (Blog wise) because I have been very disgusted and angry with the things  I am observing in the world; Especially in our country (the U.S.) where government, education, politics, media and even the Church is concerned. I knew that if I shared my thoughts prior to this moment, I would simply be guilty of “murmuring and complaining.” Sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all, if you can’t speak words that help. So I had to discipline myself and get myself together. So, having said all of that, it is my humble opinion that many people and institutions have lost sight of their God-ordained purpose. It’s time for a refresher course on purpose.

God is a God of purpose. Everything God does in us, with us and through us is to accomplish His purpose on the earth. To fulfill your destiny (finish the course that God has specifically assigned to you), you must find and pursue the God-ordained purpose for your life. Ephesians 1: 10-11 reads, “That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the PURPOSE (italics and uppercase are my own for emphasis) of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”

Purpose is the original intent or reason for the existence of a thing. Not knowing the purpose of a thing usually leads to abuse (abnormal use). The Bible tells us that God ordained nations and governments, not necessarily the people who run them, but the entities themselves. These various entities that God has ordained for His purpose, after the counsel of his own will are trying to remove the influence, teachings and moral standards from their rulings; even the very God that gives them purpose! Naturally, when this happens, abuse abounds. When a nation and it’s leaders began to legislate things like “same-sex” marriage, as a whole, they have lost sight of God’s purpose for marriage, family and nations.

Everything and every person has a purpose, especially the Church of Jesus Christ. I believe the Church is the greatest institution (please allow me to use this word institution for simplicity sake) on earth! We are the salt and light of the world. We are the ones who will rule and reign with Christ for all eternity. We may seem like a bunch of “rag-tag” and “slip-shod” people but God is at work and when it is all said and done, “WE WIN!” But because of our vital position as the Body of Christ (the Church) in this world, it is essential that we never forget, nor cease to operate according to God’s purpose and will. Attending the local church regularly and faithfully is the will of God and has it’s purposes. One such purpose is to provoke (to stir up, incite) other believers to love and to do good works. Your regular and faithful church attendance has a tremendous influence on the lives of others and the purposes of God. Hebrews 10:24-25 reads, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is: but exhorting one another: and so much more, as ye see the day approaching.”

The Church is God’s instrument and representative on earth to make disciples of Jesus Christ and fulfill their purpose on earth in their generation. We have the awesome opportunity to be involved in God’s plan and purpose for this generation. To accomplish the will of God for our lives we must make the eternal purposes of God our focus and not the temporal things in life! I understand the importance of  having a nice home and car; getting a good education, having to pay bills, take vacations, support some political party and having some form of entertainment in life. I’m not making light of these things. I simply want to put you in remembrance that these things will pass away, and that they should be engaged only in the light of God’s purpose and plan. You should always be seeking to know God intimately and seeking first the kingdom of God.

Invest your life (gifts, talents, skills and resources) into God’s plan and purpose. Don’t allow the world’s “ways” distract you and siphon off your gifts, talents, skills and resources from the Church and the Kingdom of God. By the way, your gifts, talents and skills do not necessarily define your purpose. They usually just help to fulfill your purpose. Using your gifts and talents does not mean you are fulfilling your purpose. You may have a wonderful singing voice, singing regularly for some organization or group of people, but that does not mean you are fulfilling your purpose. You may be serving in the ministry, utilizing your gifts, talents and skills but because you left the place you were assigned to serve (in offense), you are not fulfilling God’s purpose and will for your life. You are using them in the wrong place for the wrong reasons! In other words, where you use your gifts and talents is a part of your purpose.

Just using what you know to be a God-given gift, talent or skill does not mean you are fulfilling God’s purpose or will. It’s how you use them and who you use them for. Even why (your motivation for why) you use your gifts, talents, skills and resources will greatly impact your purpose and destiny. Some people are willing to sacrifice their purpose for the accolades of men and the temporal rewards of using their gifts and talents in any venue. It is easy to become offended with leadership when we place our part (gifts, talents, skills and resources) above the purpose of the whole (God, the Church, Business, Family, etc.).

The principles of change and time (seasons) are connected with purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reads, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:” I know that in many ways we are living in difficult times, but you have been called for such a time as this. Don’t give up on your purpose because of the time or season component. Don’t allow offense and selfishness to sabotage your purpose. Don’t allow tough economic times to dissuade you from investing in God’s purposes. No matter what time or season you find yourself in, always pursue God’s purpose. We need a people and especially leaders that have an understanding of times and what we ought to do in those times. Church, we more than any other, should demonstrate the purpose of God. Finally, as we walk in the purpose of God, Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church. So let’s Stand (for His purpose & standard) and Win!

July 26, 2011 Posted by | Purpose | , , , , , | 12 Comments


As I observe the things going on in the world today I must make this point, there is a lot of “jacked-up” thinking going on! The term “jacked-up” is slang and means “really messed up!” Therefore I want to emphasize an often over-looked principle even among some in the faith community. The principle is this: “Wrong thinking leads to wrong believing!” If your thinking is wrong your believing will be wrong. Listen, I’m not talking about sincerity. You can be sincere, but sincerely wrong! Just because you are sincere in your thinking does not make it right. Faith is a powerful spiritual force! The word “faith” is a noun. It means to believe; to trust and to obey. To act on your faith is to act on what you believe.

We all believe something! That something is based on what we have been taught, heard, seen, experienced or observed. Our beliefs are further impacted in the context of tradition, culture and political party, etc. These things cause us to formulate thoughts or a way of thinking! For those of you who may have gotten offended with me and perhaps thought “Who is he to say what is ‘jacked-up’ thinking?”  I will answer this in an indirect way.

What should we believe? Since we all have opinions, what should we believe? Whose opinion is right? There must be a standard from which and by which all our thinking and believing should be formulated and judged. I humbly submit to you that what we should believe is the truth! Right about now you are probably wondering if things just got better or worse because of the statement I just made. But let us push on by faith!

What is truth? What is the standard by which all mankind should live? I submit to you that truth is the Word of God (the Holy Bible)! The scriptures tell us that God is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). Jesus himself says the word of God is truth (John 17:17,19) and he himself, is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)! God is the creator and maker of all things. The Bible is God’s standard of living, rule book and blueprint for living.

How do we apply the truth to our lives? To successfully apply truth to our lives we must know the truth, believe the truth and obey the truth. In other words, applying the truth to our lives begins with hearing, studying and meditating the word of God. Even as born-again Christians who have believed and confessed Jesus as Lord, we must continually renew our minds! This is because even though our spirits (inner man) are changed at the new birth, our minds are not. We must learn to think like God! See Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:17-24. If we believe God, the word of God, then we will adjust our thinking in the light of the Holy Scriptures.

Wrong thinking leads to wrong believing. From public policy to personal preferences, what we think impacts what we believe. Even as I write this blog, I’m hearing on the news some “jacked-up” thinking concerning Israel, politics, Christianity, marriage, parenting, education and the “end of the world!” It is particularly disturbing to see  the number of professed Christians say they are followers of Christ yet espouse anti-Christian (unscriptural) beliefs, support anti-Christian organizations and help elect officials who often oppose or ignore Christian beliefs. Worse yet, if you profess to be a Christian and think you don’t have to walk in forgiveness, especially towards your spouse, children, parents and the household of faith, your thinking is wrong. Therefore I submit your faith is not what you think it is!

Something to think about… To some it may seem as though I just have a “burr under my saddle!” But for me, it’s about a “belief in my heart!” A belief based on the truth (the Word of God). I challenge you to think about your thinking! Many times have I adjusted my thinking on certain things as my knowledge and understanding of the word of God increased. Are you willing to adjust your thinking when the word of God calls for correction? We all want a vital and powerful faith. If you want to have a faith that pleases God (Hebrew 11:6), you must have thinking that pleases God (Isaiah 55:6-9)! If you don’t know what to think concerning current events, go to the Bible, a Bible believing church and pastor to get your answers.

May 20, 2011 Posted by | Right Thinking | 3 Comments


A key to success in life is our “habit of thought,” that is our mind-set! The most succesful “Being” ever is God! Image  being able to think like God thinks! The thoughts of God are creative, wise, powerful and life changing. Thinking like God will empower you and bring you greater success in life! Man was created in God’s likeness and image. We were created to communicate and fellowship with Almighty God and to represent Him here on earth. But, because of man’s (Adam’s) sin in the Garden of Eden, the thoughts of man have been tainted with sin! I know, some are saying we are not God and therefore cannot think God’s thoughts. They say, “don’t the bible say we cannot think like God thinks?” They are thinking of Isaiah 55:8-9. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” First of all, please understand the context of the above scripture and to whom God is speaking. God is inviting all of mankind to seek the LORD and receive his salvation and He particularly speaks to the wicked and the unrighteous; “Isaiah 55:6-7, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”  SO, YOU CAN THINK GOD LIKE GOD if you will receive God’s salvation in the person of Jesus Christ and seek the mind of Christ (God)!

When you believe (the Gospel) Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for the sins of the world, that God has raised him from the dead and you confess him as Lord (surrender your life to God in Christ) of your life, your are what the bible calls “saved.” You are now a new creation (spiritually) in Christ and have become righteous in Christ by faith. See 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. The seeds of greatness have been planted on the inside of you. You now have the ability to think God’s thoughts and to make God’s ways your ways! Even though you now have this new ability to think like God – to think for success, you must seek God’s thoughts and his ways as revealed to us in God’s holy word, the Bible. This is why God told Joshua he would be prosperous and have good success if he continually meditated on the word of God! Joshua 1:8 says “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” To think for success you must continually meditate the word of God. It is well documented that when you change your thinking, you change your beliefs and therefore your life. Your beliefs are born out of your thoughts. When you think (meditate) long enough on something and buy into it, those thoughts become a part of your belief system. In other words, what you believe is a collection of continual thoughts that have formed themselves into your personal convictions.

God wanted change so he thought creatively and spoke creatively! When God created the heavens and the earth he spoke that change into the world. See Genesis Chapter one(1). Remember, words are an expression of our thoughts! Creative people “think about their thinking,” in the light of God’s word and innovative people act on the results! Do you need or desire a change in your life? Do you need or desire greater success in your life? I certainly do! Perhaps the change or success you need or desire looks impossible. The word of God says all things are possible to him that believes. See Mark 9:23. So no matter how difficult or impossible things may be or seem, meditate the word of God concerning your situation and life. It is just a matter of time before you are thinking for success and such thoughts will become your belief! Thinking leads to believing and speaking. When Godly thinking, believing and speaking becomes your habit, your attitude  will change. When your attitude changes your behavior (performance) will change and you will prosper and have good success in life.

True success is being in, and doing that good, acceptable and perfect will of God! This is why the word of God tells us to be transformed(changed) by the renewing of our minds! See Romans 12:2. Listen, don’t allow the enemy of your soul (Satan, the Devil) and those under his influence to get you into offense, un-forgiveness and bitterness. People are bound with offense, un-forgiveness and bitterness because they are prideful and un-willing to forgive, admit their own sin or change. They spend their time meditating their hurts and selfish desires and not the word of God! Consequently they experience defeat and not success.

It’s time for a new attitude! Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Ephesians 4:23 tells us to be renewed in the spirit (attitude) of our mind. When we hear, read, study, meditate and act on God’s word we will experience change in our lives. When you change your thinking you change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, your expectations in life will change! As a matter of course, as your expectations change, your attitude will change. So delight yourself in the word of God, meditate it day and night and you will prosper and have good success! See Psalm 1:1-3. When you plant (meditate, continually think on) the word of God, no matter what is going on in your life or in the world, you will expect success! Even in the midst of hardship and failure, your attitude will cause you to rise out of failure and overcome hardship! Remember, a bad attitude won’t let you stay up and a good attitude won’t let you stay down! Think for success!

March 24, 2011 Posted by | Success | 9 Comments

Re-Defining Relationships!

THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ is described as the gospel of : God(Rom. 1:1), Christ(2 Cor 2:12), The Kingdom(Matt. 24:14), the grace of God(Acts 20:24), peace(Eph. 6:15) and salvation        (Eph. 1:13). The gospel is the revelation of the mystery(hidden truth) of Christ! It is the revelation that we (Gentiles) are fellow heirs (with Jews) and partakers of God’s promise in Christ! See Eph. 3: 1-6 and Eph. Chapter 2. The Gospel is the good news that we are the seed of Abraham and blessed with faithful Abraham in Christ     (Gal. 3:26-29)! Through Christ we receive the blessing of Abraham (Gal. 3:13-14, 16)! God was at work in Abraham’s life to bring Christ into the world. Christ is the ultimate Seed of Abraham through which all nations may be blessed (Gen. 12:1-3)! There are many aspects to the gospel and the kingdom of God. The gospel is indeed good news, but it is more than good news. It is the power of God unto salvation! Romans 1:16. The gospel of the Kingdom of God will bring about real change in your life when believed and received in your heart! Sometimes the changes that are required of us when we obey the gospel will be challenging or difficult, but we will be blessed! One such challenge is having to re-define some of our relationships!

As Jesus went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God (Matthew 1:14-15)  and teaching the word of God we see new relationships are defined ( Mark 3:31-45). While Jesus was teaching the word of God, His mother and brothers came to see him and were calling for him. The multitude of people surrounding Jesus told him that his mother and brothers were seeking him. Jesus then looked round about those who sat around him and said “Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.” Here, Jesus is re-defining some relationships. He re-defines his most intimate, close and coveted relationships base on who is doing the will of God!

Like Jesus, we should define our most intimate, close and coveted relationships based on who is doing the will of God! Now, God is love and the gospel is a love message! But people don’t always receive that love, or if they do, they don’t always abide in that love. This is not a hate message, this is a help message! Jesus came to save men’s lives, not to destroy them (Luke 9:56). Even though Jesus purpose was to save men’s lives and enable them to have blessed relationships, He also knew that the truth of the gospel and the word of God would also bring division to family and other close relationships! See Luke 12:49-53. Listen, when people refuse the truth and light of the gospel or word of God, or become offended and walk away from God ordained relationships because of their own selfish, rebellious and mis-guided reasons, we must re-define those relationships. Many Christians have brought division and pain into their own families and local church  simply because they refuse to acknowledge their sin and repent. They rather blame others for their own sinful actions!

Unfortunately, much of the Body of Christ (the Church) is too weak to stand up to other Christians when they are wrong and tell them the truth. In fact, some even get angry and offended at the pastor(if he has enough guts!) and other believers who stand up in righteousness and speak the truth! Instead, many weak Christians play ‘lovey-dovey, kissy-face’ with people who are in open rebellion to the word of God! They enable this ungodly behavior by their fellowship with them at dinners, parties and various events, ignoring their sin. Yet, if we would only walk uprightly and obey the word of God, we could work through many challenges, restore people and have strong relationships in the church.

The word of God says to mark those who cause divisions and offences that is contrary to the word you have learned and avoid them! See Romans 16:17-18. The word of God says avoid those who are offended and cause division, it didn’t say fellowship with them! It didn’t say grab a bucket of fried chicken or a large pizza and go watch the football game with them! Many who are offended and cause division in the church are only serving their own desires and really don’t give a rip about you or your spiritual welfare! In fact, they work real hard to deceive you with good words and fair speeches the apostle Paul says in Romans 16:18. The apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 says if you know that a brother or sister is a fornicator, don’t associate  or even eat with them! Bishop is this really in the bible? Yes! Please read it for yourself. Paul is not finished with this issue! He says in 2 Thessalonians 3:6, “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” The word of God says when a brother in Christ becomes disorderly( in offence,in rebellion, in sin, etc.) we are to withdraw ourselves from them. It does not say praise God with the orderly on Sunday morning and then hangout with the disorderly on Sunday evening! Why? Because God wants those who are offended and in sin to recognize their sins have consequences and to be ashamed of their actions and repent. But they won’t be ashamed of their actions when the orderly ones in the church enable their behavior by hanging-out with them! 2 Thessalonians 3:14 says, ” And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.” When people behave in such fashion we sometimes have to re-defines our relationships. We are not talking about hating on folk, but rather warning them as a brother. See 2 Thessalonians 3:15.

There are so many examples in the bible where relationships had to be re-defined because people refused to do the will of God. Take king Saul for example. Because of his disobedience to the word of God it cost him his kingship and ultimately his life and the life of his son Jonathan. Now, it’s important to understand that Samuel the prophet liked king Saul and King Saul liked him. In, fact they were close to each other relationship wise. But Samuel had to obey God and rebuke Saul because of his disobedience! Read 1 Samuel chapter 15. Even after Saul admitted his sin, he still wanted Samuel to fellowship with him so he could look right in the eyes of the people! 1 Samuel 15:30. Often when people get offended and leave the church, they try to reach back into the local assembly and draw other people into their fellowship to show everyone else how righteous they are and how wrong the preacher or church leadership is. These offended people especially target fellowship from church leaders (like Samuel was) because in their eyes it really validates their offense! Samuel knew God had rejected Saul “And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul:”    -1 Samuel 15:35. Even though Samuel avoided company with Saul, he still mourned for Saul. Eventually the Lord had to rebuke Samuel because he could not let go of his friendship with Saul. In 1 Samuel 16:1, the Lord spoke to  Samuel. “And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel?”

Samuel found himself in a challenging and difficult situation because of his friendship with Saul! Samuel had to re-define his relationship with Saul. He had to choose righteousness and obedience to God over friendship with Saul! God told Samuel to go and anoint David as King. In other words, God told Samuel to release Saul and move on! God always has other people he will use to accomplish his plans and purpose! It is my prayer that God will give you understanding and wisdom in these matters. I pray you have the strength and courage to re-define your relationships, not according to offense or friendship, but according to him that is doing the will of God!

February 26, 2011 Posted by | Relationships | 14 Comments

Victory Over SAD!

I just recently received an email from a health care magazine that had an article about how to treat SAD. SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. At first, I thought someone was just trying to be provocative to sell their health care product. I began to research SAD and find out more information. Seasonal affective disorder ( SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or less frequently in the other seasons of the year. SAD is characterized by sadness, a lack of energy and difficulty concentrating which is common to many forms of depression. SAD however, is not triggered by a “loss’ or “conflict.” Rather, according to health care professionals, SAD is brought on by a change in brain chemistry associated with insufficient sunlight. Every article I read said this condition was treated using some type of light therapy, medication, cognitive-behavorial therapy, a carefully timed supplementation of a certain hormone and certain vitamins or nutrients. But light therapy seems to be the primary or dominate treatment. As most of you are aware, I’m not a medical doctor nor do I presume to give you medical advice on SAD. I simply want to give you some basic information about this condition as I make spiritual application.

As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and one who is definitely concerned with the human condition, I immediately began to think about the Word of God and the condition known as SAD. We are freshly in the winter season here in the U.S. and at the threshold of a new year. This should be a time of happiness and great expectation of what God will do in our lives in the New Year!  If you are struggling with sadness or depression, no matter what the cause, the Word of God has an answer for you. Jesus Christ, the Son of God has purchased salvation for all of humanity. All who receive God’s grace and put their faith in the Son of God have access to God’s healing power (Ephesians 2:1-9, 1 Peter 2:24). From a spiritual perspective, I submit to you that perhaps your SAD is the result of insufficient Sonlight, not just insufficient sunlight!

The Book of Malachi, chapter 4, speaks of the coming of Christ as the Sun of righteousness that shall arise with healing in his wings. If you are wrestling with sadness or depression, I recommend the same thing many medical professionals recommend – light therapy! The light I am talking about is spiritual light. Jesus himself is the Light of the World (John 8:12). When we receive Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives, we receive eternal life and that life is the light of men (John 1:1-4). Once you have received Jesus as Lord of your life, you must engage in constant and continual light therapy, that is – the Word of God! The Bible says the word of God is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. Psalm 119:105. It also says the commandment of God is a lamp and the law of God is light. Proverbs 6:23.

The light of God’s word not only brings healing to the spirit and body, but also to the soul (mind and emotions). Hebrews 4:12. So feed on the word of God regularly and frequently(daily)! Man does not live by bread alone. Matthew 4:4. Feeding on the word of God will produce joy and happiness in your life, and during times of sadness or conflict, strengthen you to endure and overcome. Hearing the word of God will bring hope into your soul and enable you to cast off the shackles of depression(SAD). God’s word is replete with precious promises. A PROMISE IS A REASON TO EXPECT SOMETHING! IT IS A REASON TO HOPE! So attend church regularly. Attend mid-week bible study regularly. Engage in personal devotional time with God daily. Your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health depends on it! Your victory over SAD necessitates it! Guard your mental and emotional health – praise God frequently and regularly!

Engaging the word of God (light therapy) will enable you to overcome another type of SAD called Social Anxiety Disorder.  This type of SAD is characterized by intense fear in social situations causing considerable distress and impaired ability to function in some parts of daily activities. A particular symptom of social anxiety disorder is  a chronic fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed or humiliated by one’s own actions. These fears can be triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Some physical symptoms often accompanying social anxiety disorder include excessive sweating, blushing, trembling, palpitations, stammering and even nausea. Some even have panic attacks as they must face a situation that brings them intense fear or discomfort. This is basically a fear of man! The word of God says the fear of man brings a snare (trap or bondage) into your life. Proverbs 29:25. The word of God says the solution is to put your trust in God!  Don’t give the words of your critics, especially ungodly or unrighteous ones more weight than God’s word, or godly and righteous counsel. Remember, God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind! 2 Timothy 1:7.

As you stand in this winter season and on the threshold of a new year, don’t allow fear to grip you, or sadness and depression to hold you hostage or overtake you. It’s time to get your brain chemistry back in balance by hearing and meditating God’s word. Be sure to get plenty of SonLight and engage in light therapy (feed on the word of God) during corporate worship services and personal devotional times in all seasons. Expect great things from God in this upcoming new year. Start the New Year right by soaking in some SonLight and engaging in light therapy at your church’s New Years Eve Celebration (sometimes called a Watch Service). Let the word of God set your expectations and declare your victory over every kind of SAD!

December 29, 2010 Posted by | Depression | 10 Comments


Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! In light of the current trend of the anti-Christ spirit that is trying to take Christ out of Christmas in this country(U.S.A.), I rejoice in my present freedom to openly declare unto you a merry Christmas. Just today I witnessed an atheist say on FOX News that soon Christmas will be a completely secular holiday. Of course, my immediate thought and words were “no, it will not be so!”  Christmas is more than a holiday, it is a “holy day!” Christmas is (should be) the biggest birthday party on earth! It is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Christ!

This may be a good time for you to really take a few moments to examine your own heart and ascertain why you are celebrating this Christmas season. Is it because you get three or four days off from work? Perhaps it’s because this is the time of the year that you get the best bargains on items you desire! Could it be that you celebrate Christmas for the perceived romantic atmosphere of it all? You know, chesnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose! Listen, I’m not saying these things are necessarily wrong or sin(not necessarily). What I am saying is Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ and let us not get it twisted!

Please take the time to learn or remind yourself of what the birth of Jesus Christ means or represents. The birth of Jesus Christ was God wrapping himself in flesh to bring salvation(deliverance, healing, soundness, wholeness,  eternal life,  peace and joy) to the world. The Son of God wrapped himself in flesh, became a man, to suffer and save us from our sins. The name Jesus means salvation! The birth of Jesus was eternity breaking in on time! The birth of Jesus Christ reminds us that God(Immanuel) is with us; that he is the God that shows up!

We are living in a time where we must all reaffirm our response to the birth of Jesus Christ! When we read the Christmas story in the Gospels we see three(3) basic responses to the birth of Christ. The first response and the proper response is that of worship! When the shepherds and wise men learned of the birth of Jesus Christ, they rejoiced, sought Him and worshipped Him. They brought Him gifts! The second response to the birth of Jesus was that of hatred. This was king Herod’s response because he believed the birth of Jesus threatened his own kingdom! Herod even tried to have the child Jesus killed! There are many today who don’t want to surrender to the King of Righteousness. They don’t want to live by God’s holy standard so they work hard to take Christ out of Christmas. The third, and perhaps the most disgusting is the response of indifference. This was the response of the religious leaders(chief priests and scribes) of that day. When king Herod inquired of the religious leaders where Christ should be born after learning of  the star that led the wise men to Jerusalem, the religious leaders pointed Herod and ultimately the wise men to Bethlehem. Even though the religious leaders knew the scriptures and that it was foretold where Christ should be born, they themselves apparently made no effort to search out and worship Him that was “born King of the Jews.” They had an attitude of indifference.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to honor Jesus Christ always and particularly this Christmas season. I urge you to be faithful to your local church! It is really sad to see how many in the Church of Jesus Christ abandon Christ and the local church during a time when the local church should be the most attended, supported and Christ celebrated. No matter what you are facing this holiday season, I pray you experience the salvation, peace and joy of Jesus Christ. On behalf of Faith Harvest Church, Pastor Phyllis and myself – MERRY CHRISTMAS!

December 21, 2010 Posted by | Christmas | 2 Comments

Upside-Down Thinking…?

I’m sitting here in my den thinking about God, the things of God, his people and the world. When I use the word “world” here, I am talking about that community of sinful humanity that is opposed to  God and the things of God. Naturally, or perhaps supernaturally, I’m joyful in heart and hopeful (have a confident expectation) towards the future. We have stepped over into what many in the U.S. would call the “Holiday Season.” In fact, I look forward to sharing some joyful words with you on the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. But for the moment my thoughts on Christmas has reminded me that there are many in the world who would accuse me of upside-down thinking:wrong thinking, narrow thinking, being old-fashion or a “fuddy-duddy!” Why, because I choose to align my thoughts with God’s thoughts and my ways with God’s ways!

To many in the world, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to everyone but God! There seems to be a growing sentiment that Christmas is about shopping, getting that long desired gift,time off from work and lots of food and fun. In short, for many the Christmas season is just one big party or celebration of life, divorced from the Giver of that very life they presume to celebrate – Jesus Christ! Some are embolden in their attempts to take Christ out of Christmas. They don’t want you to say Merry Christmas but rather, Happy Holidays. Some want us to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree, or tree of lights; anything but Christmas tree! They would have us to believe that our thinking is wrong and theirs is right!

We are definitely living in times were men call evil good, and good evil. Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” There are those who will persecute and accuse you simply because you walk in the light! Why? Because they prefer darkness to light; they have allowed Satan(the devil) to blind their minds;they have allowed their thinking to become twisted. Yet they will accuse and attack you for thinking and walking uprightly! Like the apostle Paul, Silas, Jason and some of the other disciples of Christ, we will be accused of turning the world upside down. See Acts 17:6.

The disciples of Christ, walking uprightly and preaching the truth (The Gospel) was accused of turning the world upside down. They were being accused of “upside-down thinking.” What is really sad about this is that many of God’s own people allow those who call evil good, and good evil to convince them that they have “upside-down thinking!” So they fall inline with immoral thinking and political correctness. In Acts chapter 17 it was the “religious crowd” that accused the disciples of Christ of turning the world upside down. THEY WERE REALLY TURNING THE WORLD RIGHT-SIDE UP! They had heard the truth,were  walking in the truth and proclaiming the truth! The “religious crowd” (not the believing crowd), actually became very angry and brought Jason and other disciples to the authorities for judgment.

More and more we are finding ourselves defending our Bible based beliefs in the courts and legal system. The issue of same-sex marriage(homosexuality) and homosexuals serving openly in the military come to mind. LISTEN!  I’m not hating on homosexuals! I don’t doubt that they can shoot a weapon or fight as good as the next fellow. The problem is that it is morally wrong and in the eyes of God it is an abomination! It is sin and sin hinders God’s blessings on a nation. Especially a nation that legislates sin! The word of God says righteousness exalts a nation.  Our leaders and those in our legal system, especially our Judges are supposed to be representatives of justice and righteousness from God. Just because some judges and politicians legalize certain actions or behaviors don’t make it just or right.

As disciples of Christ let us stand firm and boldly on the word of God and in righteousness! Don’t let anyone convince you that aligning your thinking with the word of God is wrong. Don’t let folk get in your head and make you feel inferior because they hate your light and therefore accuse your performance,behavior and standard of living. Don’t back off the word of God. Don’t allow the “upside-down thinking” of the world dilute your committment and service to God this Christmas season or any other time for that matter!

December 1, 2010 Posted by | Right Thinking | 7 Comments


This morning as I awakened out of a much cherished sleep, I found myself saying “I am going to have a good day today. I am not going to be ‘down’ but ‘up’ in my outlook!” Thinking back on those early moments of consciousness, I realized that I had purposely decided to allow my attitude to determine the kind of day I would have, and not allow the kind of day I would have determine my attitude! I knew I had a lot of challenging things going on in my life and that I would have several opportunities to get discouraged. I had a couple of decisions to make that I was not looking forward to! Yet, before my feet hit the floor this morning I had already decided what kind of attitude I would have regardless of the challenges I would face. Well, even though I dealt with some of those challenges and others still remain, I had a good day. I was reminded today that I have control over my attitude even if I don’t have control over all the circumstances of my life. I understand that our attitude determines our approach to life just as my attitude this morning determined my approach to my day ahead!

Like the Apostle Paul, we must learn to have the proper attitude in life no matter what the circumstances or situation! Paul said in Philippians 4:11, “…I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Not only did Paul learn to have a proper attitude in good and bad times, he also learned to have a winning attitude in life. In Philippians 4:13 Paul said “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” A winning attitude allows us to see things we could never see otherwise! A winning attitude allows us to see opportunities when others only see obstacles! This reminds me of the story about two shoe salesmen looking for a market in a certain African village. The first shoe salesman, upon arrival to the African village observed that very few people were wearing shoes. He immediately wired a message back home to headquarters, ” Cancel order, no market here for shoes!” The second shoe salesman, upon arrival to the same African village also observed that very few people were wearing shoes. He immediately became excited and wired a message back home to headquarters, “Double the original order, great opportunity to sell shoes, only a few presently have shoes!”

Our attitude in life determines our performance! This reminds me of another story about a man who stopped to observe three men working on a building. He asked each one of them what they were doing. The first man, while frowning, groaning and cursing his labors replied, “I’m just piling these bricks on top of each other all day long and my back feels like it’s about to break.” The second man said, “I’m just building this wall so I can get paid. I’m just putting in my time.” The third man, whistling and full of joy replied, “I’m helping to build a great cathedral!” Our attitude determines our vision and joy in life. It is often the difference between promotion and demotion! Daniel, who was taken captive to Babylon and experienced tough times was known for his winning attitude (he had an excellent spirit)! Promotions don’t produce outstanding attitudes, but rather, outstanding attitudes produce promotions! See Daniel 6:1-3.

A person with a winning attitude, when confronted with difficult times will make the best of it, while getting the worst of it! Don’t allow a negative past experience sour your thinking and attitude. A bad attitude will not let you go up and  a good attitude won’t let you stay down! Proverbs 24:16. Your attitude will bring you a complaint, or it will bring you a compliment! Our attitude is a primary force that will determine whether we win or lose in life. attitudes can be seen without a word being spoken. Remember, God looks on the heart! 1 Samuel 16:7. Our attitudes reveal what we expect from life! We must understand that dreams, visions, jobs, promotions, relationships and opportunities are ruined by poor (losing) attitudes. Often people can’t figure out why they loss a job or didn’t get that promotion even though they had the ability or were better qualified than another. But know this, your ability can say “victory” but your attitude says “defeat!” People with a winning attitude attack the problems of life with their eyes on the benefits, not the barriers! See Psalm 103:1-5. The apostle Paul, said in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind [attitude] be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Jesus definitely has a winning attitude! He also said in Ephesians 4:23, “And be renewed in the spirit[attitude] of your mind:” If you are feeling down and defeated in life, perhaps its time for a new attitude! A winning attitude is your choice. As for me, I am determined to have a winning attitude! I have decided to have my attitude determine what kind of day I will have and not allow what kind of day I have determine my attitude!

November 10, 2010 Posted by | Attitude | 15 Comments


“YOU AIN’T THE BOSS OF ME.” This was a popular saying among young people who expressed their rejection of a person’s authority or right to influence their lives or situation. This specific saying may have changed but the spirit of rebellion it represents remains the same (among the young and the old!). Many people think “authority” is a hindering or limiting force in their lives. On the contrary, having a godly (good and healthy) attitude towards authority in your life increases the potential of God in your life! Understanding and submitting to authority impacts your faith! See Matthew 8:5-13. The centurion understood the kingdom of God is structured around a “chain of authority/responsibility.” He was a man under authority and one who exercised authority over those he was responsible for. The centurions understanding and attitude of submission to the  authority of Jesus’ Word (the word of God) qualified him for “great faith” and a miracle! A key to practical faith and direction is the ability to interpret what God is saying  to us through our attitudes, reactions, and directions of those who are responsible for various areas of our lives.


 1. Authority in our lives help us to grow in wisdom and character. Even Jesus as a young child who was about his Father’s business was subject to his parents authority( Luke 2:41-52) and  he increased in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man. God uses authority to help correct character deficiencies in our lives. Proverbs 22:15 says “Foolishness is found in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” The rod represents authority that is used to correct foolishness (character deficiencies) in a child’s life. God will deal with the authority in your life! Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”

2. Another purpose of authority is to build us up and gain protection from destructive forces or temptations. God intended authority to be used to build up and not destroy! Listen to what the apostle Paul said in  2 Corinthians 10:8 – “For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:” Authority is like an “umbrella of protection,” to help protect us from temptations which are to strong for us to overcome. People (especially teenagers) often think the authority in our life is trying to keep us from having fun or punishing us when the true intent is to protect us!

3. A third purpose of authority is to help us receive clear direction for life decisions. God uses those he has placed over us to help give us guidance. Proverbs 23:19 says “Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way.”


1. Family. The first God ordained structure of authority is found in the family unit (God-Father-Mother-Children). See Colossians 3:20, Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 6:20-21; 15:5; 30:17.

2. Church. The next vital God ordained structure of authority is found in the local church (Jesus-Pastor-church elders – church members). See 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, Hebrews 13:7;17, 1 Peter 5:1-3.

3. Government. Another God ordained structure of authority is found in government (God-Naitonal leaders – local leaders – citizens). See 1 Peter 2:13-14, Romans 13:1-7.


God is persistent in our character development! PLEASE BE FORE-WARNED:Rejection of one authority leads to subjection of another! I joined the United States Marine Corps (USMC) when I was seventeen(17) years old! I must admit though that I did it partly out of rebellion to my parents authority. I wanted to be on my own and be my own man! Well, I only traded one authority for another! The rejection of my parents authority led to my subjection of the Marines authority. Clever me! Many who have rejected the authority of parents, church and the law have ended up in subjection to the authority of prison officials! Sometimes a young lady will get married only to escape the authority of her parents. She didn’t truly realize she would be coming under the authority of a husband(male) and the responsibility of a wife(female)!

Rejection of authority manifests in stubbornness! Stubbornness is a refusal to follow through on orders or wise counsel)! Rejection of authority is in reality the establishment of self-authority! Self-authority manifests in open rebellion. We give our own desires(will) equal voice with our parents or other God ordained authority. Satan (devil) is the prime example. See Isaiah 14:12-16. Self-authority(open rebellion) seeks rebel friendships! Self-authority yields relative standards. See Galatians 5:19-21. Teenagers often complain of not having enough freedom. Remember, more freedom(freedom of car use, girl-friend, boy-friend, go to that party, etc.) requires more responsibility!


The rejection of the reproofs or corrections of authority has consequences! God warns that there will be irreparable damage to the potential of our lives if we continue to reject the correction of authority! Proverbs 29:1 says “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” The way a teenager responds to his/her parents’ authority and how we respond to  authority is an indicator of how they(we) will often respond to God’s authority! When we reject God’s authority our children can lose the heritage they could have had! See 1 Samuel 13:13-15. Another consequence is our own destiny (career, business, ministry) will suffer. See 1 Samuel 15:28. Rejection or dishonor of authority in our life can result in our physical life being shortened! Ephesians 6:1-3.


God has put authority in our life to help and protect us. Rejecting authority results in a lack of character and wisdom in our lives. This lack of wisdom and character due to rejection of authority greatly reduces the potential of God in our lives! My prayer is for you to always recognize God’s wisdom and direction through the authorities in your life. And that you will repent for the rejection of any authority or open rebellion.

November 3, 2010 Posted by | Authority | 3 Comments