BishopChipp's Blog

Speaking An Encouraging Word


This morning as I awakened out of a much cherished sleep, I found myself saying “I am going to have a good day today. I am not going to be ‘down’ but ‘up’ in my outlook!” Thinking back on those early moments of consciousness, I realized that I had purposely decided to allow my attitude to determine the kind of day I would have, and not allow the kind of day I would have determine my attitude! I knew I had a lot of challenging things going on in my life and that I would have several opportunities to get discouraged. I had a couple of decisions to make that I was not looking forward to! Yet, before my feet hit the floor this morning I had already decided what kind of attitude I would have regardless of the challenges I would face. Well, even though I dealt with some of those challenges and others still remain, I had a good day. I was reminded today that I have control over my attitude even if I don’t have control over all the circumstances of my life. I understand that our attitude determines our approach to life just as my attitude this morning determined my approach to my day ahead!

Like the Apostle Paul, we must learn to have the proper attitude in life no matter what the circumstances or situation! Paul said in Philippians 4:11, “…I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Not only did Paul learn to have a proper attitude in good and bad times, he also learned to have a winning attitude in life. In Philippians 4:13 Paul said “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” A winning attitude allows us to see things we could never see otherwise! A winning attitude allows us to see opportunities when others only see obstacles! This reminds me of the story about two shoe salesmen looking for a market in a certain African village. The first shoe salesman, upon arrival to the African village observed that very few people were wearing shoes. He immediately wired a message back home to headquarters, ” Cancel order, no market here for shoes!” The second shoe salesman, upon arrival to the same African village also observed that very few people were wearing shoes. He immediately became excited and wired a message back home to headquarters, “Double the original order, great opportunity to sell shoes, only a few presently have shoes!”

Our attitude in life determines our performance! This reminds me of another story about a man who stopped to observe three men working on a building. He asked each one of them what they were doing. The first man, while frowning, groaning and cursing his labors replied, “I’m just piling these bricks on top of each other all day long and my back feels like it’s about to break.” The second man said, “I’m just building this wall so I can get paid. I’m just putting in my time.” The third man, whistling and full of joy replied, “I’m helping to build a great cathedral!” Our attitude determines our vision and joy in life. It is often the difference between promotion and demotion! Daniel, who was taken captive to Babylon and experienced tough times was known for his winning attitude (he had an excellent spirit)! Promotions don’t produce outstanding attitudes, but rather, outstanding attitudes produce promotions! See Daniel 6:1-3.

A person with a winning attitude, when confronted with difficult times will make the best of it, while getting the worst of it! Don’t allow a negative past experience sour your thinking and attitude. A bad attitude will not let you go up and  a good attitude won’t let you stay down! Proverbs 24:16. Your attitude will bring you a complaint, or it will bring you a compliment! Our attitude is a primary force that will determine whether we win or lose in life. attitudes can be seen without a word being spoken. Remember, God looks on the heart! 1 Samuel 16:7. Our attitudes reveal what we expect from life! We must understand that dreams, visions, jobs, promotions, relationships and opportunities are ruined by poor (losing) attitudes. Often people can’t figure out why they loss a job or didn’t get that promotion even though they had the ability or were better qualified than another. But know this, your ability can say “victory” but your attitude says “defeat!” People with a winning attitude attack the problems of life with their eyes on the benefits, not the barriers! See Psalm 103:1-5. The apostle Paul, said in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind [attitude] be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Jesus definitely has a winning attitude! He also said in Ephesians 4:23, “And be renewed in the spirit[attitude] of your mind:” If you are feeling down and defeated in life, perhaps its time for a new attitude! A winning attitude is your choice. As for me, I am determined to have a winning attitude! I have decided to have my attitude determine what kind of day I will have and not allow what kind of day I have determine my attitude!

November 10, 2010 Posted by | Attitude | 15 Comments


“YOU AIN’T THE BOSS OF ME.” This was a popular saying among young people who expressed their rejection of a person’s authority or right to influence their lives or situation. This specific saying may have changed but the spirit of rebellion it represents remains the same (among the young and the old!). Many people think “authority” is a hindering or limiting force in their lives. On the contrary, having a godly (good and healthy) attitude towards authority in your life increases the potential of God in your life! Understanding and submitting to authority impacts your faith! See Matthew 8:5-13. The centurion understood the kingdom of God is structured around a “chain of authority/responsibility.” He was a man under authority and one who exercised authority over those he was responsible for. The centurions understanding and attitude of submission to the  authority of Jesus’ Word (the word of God) qualified him for “great faith” and a miracle! A key to practical faith and direction is the ability to interpret what God is saying  to us through our attitudes, reactions, and directions of those who are responsible for various areas of our lives.


 1. Authority in our lives help us to grow in wisdom and character. Even Jesus as a young child who was about his Father’s business was subject to his parents authority( Luke 2:41-52) and  he increased in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man. God uses authority to help correct character deficiencies in our lives. Proverbs 22:15 says “Foolishness is found in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” The rod represents authority that is used to correct foolishness (character deficiencies) in a child’s life. God will deal with the authority in your life! Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.”

2. Another purpose of authority is to build us up and gain protection from destructive forces or temptations. God intended authority to be used to build up and not destroy! Listen to what the apostle Paul said in  2 Corinthians 10:8 – “For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:” Authority is like an “umbrella of protection,” to help protect us from temptations which are to strong for us to overcome. People (especially teenagers) often think the authority in our life is trying to keep us from having fun or punishing us when the true intent is to protect us!

3. A third purpose of authority is to help us receive clear direction for life decisions. God uses those he has placed over us to help give us guidance. Proverbs 23:19 says “Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way.”


1. Family. The first God ordained structure of authority is found in the family unit (God-Father-Mother-Children). See Colossians 3:20, Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 6:20-21; 15:5; 30:17.

2. Church. The next vital God ordained structure of authority is found in the local church (Jesus-Pastor-church elders – church members). See 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, Hebrews 13:7;17, 1 Peter 5:1-3.

3. Government. Another God ordained structure of authority is found in government (God-Naitonal leaders – local leaders – citizens). See 1 Peter 2:13-14, Romans 13:1-7.


God is persistent in our character development! PLEASE BE FORE-WARNED:Rejection of one authority leads to subjection of another! I joined the United States Marine Corps (USMC) when I was seventeen(17) years old! I must admit though that I did it partly out of rebellion to my parents authority. I wanted to be on my own and be my own man! Well, I only traded one authority for another! The rejection of my parents authority led to my subjection of the Marines authority. Clever me! Many who have rejected the authority of parents, church and the law have ended up in subjection to the authority of prison officials! Sometimes a young lady will get married only to escape the authority of her parents. She didn’t truly realize she would be coming under the authority of a husband(male) and the responsibility of a wife(female)!

Rejection of authority manifests in stubbornness! Stubbornness is a refusal to follow through on orders or wise counsel)! Rejection of authority is in reality the establishment of self-authority! Self-authority manifests in open rebellion. We give our own desires(will) equal voice with our parents or other God ordained authority. Satan (devil) is the prime example. See Isaiah 14:12-16. Self-authority(open rebellion) seeks rebel friendships! Self-authority yields relative standards. See Galatians 5:19-21. Teenagers often complain of not having enough freedom. Remember, more freedom(freedom of car use, girl-friend, boy-friend, go to that party, etc.) requires more responsibility!


The rejection of the reproofs or corrections of authority has consequences! God warns that there will be irreparable damage to the potential of our lives if we continue to reject the correction of authority! Proverbs 29:1 says “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” The way a teenager responds to his/her parents’ authority and how we respond to  authority is an indicator of how they(we) will often respond to God’s authority! When we reject God’s authority our children can lose the heritage they could have had! See 1 Samuel 13:13-15. Another consequence is our own destiny (career, business, ministry) will suffer. See 1 Samuel 15:28. Rejection or dishonor of authority in our life can result in our physical life being shortened! Ephesians 6:1-3.


God has put authority in our life to help and protect us. Rejecting authority results in a lack of character and wisdom in our lives. This lack of wisdom and character due to rejection of authority greatly reduces the potential of God in our lives! My prayer is for you to always recognize God’s wisdom and direction through the authorities in your life. And that you will repent for the rejection of any authority or open rebellion.

November 3, 2010 Posted by | Authority | 3 Comments